We offer public presentations and panel discussions at trade fairs, conferences and companies. We also offer university classes. We typically give presentations about the environmental and social and ethical issues of the fashion industry. We are happy to tailor the discussion to each type of group.
Sustainable Fashion 101 and Circular Fashion 101
MODA CIRCOLARE is currently offering two courses. The first is Sustainable Fashion 101 and the second is Circular Fashion 101. These courses are meant for professionals, executives and employees of brands wanting to improve their sustainability commitments. Training is a critical requirement for brands to truly understand sustainability. A lot of brands, say they are “sustainable”, however, have never even taken a course to truly understand what sustainability encompasses.
Sustainability is critical for the success of your business. Sustainability cultivates and drives internal innovation, improves environmental and supply risk, attracts and retains employees, builds brand loyalty, reduces production costs, helps you stand out in a competitive market and so much more. According to the Harvard Business Review, sustainable businesses see greater financial gains than their unsustainable counterparts.

Sustainable Fashion 101 – this course goes over many topics including sustainability, climate change, sustainable fashion, fast fashion, the reasons why sustainable fashion is now ever so crucial, sustainable fabrics, innovative fabrics, environmental impact of fabrics, social and ethical considerations, governance, transparency and circularity of a brand. We also discuss what you can do as a consumer and /or as a brand to improve your sustainability commitments and look at some brands that are truly sustainable. This course is meant for fashion professionals and executives looking to have a deeper meaning of Sustainable Fashion. (Course time: 1.5 hour)

Circular Fashion 101 – this course goes over sustainable fashion but dives deeper into the concept of Circular Fashion and it’s importance in the industry. It discusses the barriers of circular fashion in the fashion industry and what it means for a brand to be circular. We discuss the various circular fashion strategies and business models, technical and biological cycles, examples of brands using the Circular Fashion Model, and the process of circular design and additional considerations. (Course time: 1 hour).
If you are interested in discussing this for your brand and/or organization, please contact us below or feel free to email us at: