Pioneering Sustainable Transformation Across Industries

MODA CIRCOLARE drives sustainable progress beyond apparel in Vancouver, Canada. Pioneering sustainability, our consultancy empowers companies to enhance environmental and social impact. Recognizing each sector’s role in sustainable growth, we aim to instigate lasting change through strategic guidance.

Informed by extensive experience, MODA CIRCOLARE empowers brands to holistically evaluate operations, making sustainability integral to their identity. Harvard Business Review research highlights that embracing sustainability yields ecological and financial benefits, fostering a culture attracting talent and nurturing customer relationships.

Our interdisciplinary team, with over a quarter-century of collective experience, offers expertise in brand governance, environmental impacts, social ethics, transparency, traceability, and circularity. Every aspect of sustainable transformation is meticulously addressed, shaping a sustainable future.


ESG Reporting: Pioneering Transparency and Accountability

In today’s dynamic landscape, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting is a pivotal instrument for transparency, accountability, and sustainable progress. MODA CIRCOLARE goes beyond consultancy, leveraging our expertise to meticulously craft ESG reports that empower clients with comprehensive insights. Our commitment extends beyond regulatory obligations; ESG reporting is an opportunity to showcase dedication to responsible business practices. With expertise across diverse industries, we compile reports reflecting each client’s unique journey. Our reports go beyond numbers, weaving narratives that communicate the organization’s impact on the environment, society, and corporate governance.

Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Mitigation

MODA CIRCOLARE rigorously examines supply chains across industries, dissecting every aspect including supply miles. Through tailor-made materiality assessments, we pinpoint risks and unveil avenues for enhancement. We foster a profound understanding of environmental and social footprints, enabling brands to forge stronger stakeholder relationships while mitigating environmental impact.

Current State Sustainability Assessment

As one of the top sustainability consultants in Canada, we’ve designed an exclusive sustainability assessment tool that unveils the essence of a brand’s current state. This proprietary tool facilitates granular insights, illuminating improvement avenues. Our evaluation encompasses governance, social ethics, environmental footprints, transparency, traceability, and circularity, providing a comprehensive perspective for informed decision-making.

Circular Transition & Resource Optimization

Resource optimization drives our assessments. Our lens encompasses waste reduction, water and energy efficiency, circular economy integration, and CO2 emissions reduction. Embracing circular fashion principles, we chart the trajectory toward a sustainable future, enabling brands to curtail their environmental footprint while advancing industry-wide change.

Strategic Roadmap Development & Education

Sustainability and strategy intertwine at MODA CIRCOLARE. Collaborating closely with clients, we craft purposeful roadmaps, ensuring alignment with brand vision for enduring sustainability.

Our goal-setting merges purpose, mission, and values to establish meaningful targets, facilitating impactful transformations. Empowered with clear goals, brands channel efforts effectively, propelling industry-wide change.

MODA CIRCOLARE provides tailored sustainability and circular fashion education, demystifying sustainability for meaningful change. Education equips brands to evolve, enhancing sustainable practices.

As a beacon for companies, MODA CIRCOLARE champions sustainability, embraces circular principles, and fosters a culture of responsible growth for a harmonious future.


esg consulting




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