Circular Fashion 101 Guide – A Guide to the Basics of Circular Fashion

Circular Fashion is critical to the future of the fashion and apparel industries. Want a Guide that breaks down what Circular Fashion really is? Learn the basic business strategies and models in Circular Fashion and what to consider when planning for circularity. Learn about the top circular brands in the industry. All this information is in the Circular Fashion 101 Guide created by Moda Circolare.

So many brands are now trying to embed circular strategies into their business models.

In this Guide you will learn:

  1. What is the Circular Economy
  2. What is Circular Fashion
  3. The Benefits and Barriers of Circular Fashion
  4. Circular Fashion Business Strategies
  5. Circular Fashion Business Models
  6. Technical and Biological Cycles
  7. Examples of Fashion Brands using Circularity
  8. Considerations in Circular Fashion
  9. The Importance of Designers
  10. Circular Process Development


If you want to learn more, please contact us at We have plans to meet every budget.