Eco-fashion is about making clothes that take into account the environment and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry. Eco-fashion also takes in to account the health of the consumers ultimately wearing those garments.

Eco-fashion clothes:

1. Are created using organic materials, such as cotton and hemp grown without pesticides.
2. Do not use harmful chemicals and dyes in their creation.
3. Take into account water and energy usage and try to keep this as low as possible.
4. Are often made from recycled and reused textiles. High-quality garments can be made from second-hand clothes and even recycled plastic bottles.
5. Can be created using such innovative materials as pineapple leaves, coffee grounds, banana fibers, stinging nettle fibres, apple waste, eucalyptus and even cactus.

6. Are made to last, so that people keep them in use for longer.
7. Take into account, the garments end-life, looking at recycling and re-purposing. Circular fashion is starting to be discussed.
8. Come from fair trade – the people who make them are paid a fair price and have decent working conditions.
9. Eco-Fashion brands are now trying to be more “transparent” in terms of where and how their clothes are being made.

This is just a snip it of what eco-fashion really means. There is a lot more, however those are some of the basics.

Would People Pay More for Eco-Clothing?

Would people really pay more for eco-fashion or sustainable fashion. Well here are the facts!
According to: The GlobalWebIndex (2018) – 61% of Millennials (ages 22-35) and 58% of GenZ (ages 16-21) would pay more for eco-friendly and sustainable products. So this is definitely the way of the future. Brands need to be proactive in this area and get ready to improve their sustainability mandates and what they are offering their consumers.

Millennials are regularly considered to be the ones driving the sustainable movement with GenZ hot on their heels.

Want to learn about the creation of microplastics that come from synthetic clothes (made from crude oil)? Here is the link to: What to know the scoop on microplastics?

For all of your sustainable fashion needs, come visit us at: www, 

Photo credit – Pinterest